Register Now for the 2022 IADC Permian Basin Regional Forum Oct 18th – Midland
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Tuesday, 18 October
7:15 am Registration, Coffee Service & Networking
7:15 am Speaker Briefing (Speakers, Moderators & Session Chairs only)
7:50 am Introduction, Welcoming Remarks & Safety Moment
- Jacob Bruster, Chair, IADC Permian Basin Chapter; Marketing Representative, Unit Drilling Company
Moderator: Jacob Bruster, Unit Drilling Company
8:05 am Directional Drilling
These industry leaders will examine the role of the drilling contractor in the directional drilling arena, and the future of directional drilling.
- Mike Buker, President, Phoenix Technology Services USA Inc.
- Joel Wilmes, Drilling Solutions Liaison and Dave Simpson, Drilling Solutions Manager, Helmerich & Payne IDC
8:45 am Market Outlook
Industry analysts will share their insight on events impacting the O&G market and what to expect in the year(s) ahead for the Permian Basin region.
- Sean Mitchell, Managing Partner, Daniel Energy Partners
- Reed Olmstead, Executive Director – Upstream Research, IHS Markit, S&P Global
9:45 am Safety Showcase
Safety professionals will share their insight on current safety challenges in the region.
- Shane Phipps, Safety Director, Wilbanks Trucking Services LLC
- Cody Ashley, HSE Director, Latshaw Drilling Company
10:15 am Coffee Service & Networking
Moderator: Jacob Bruster, Unit Drilling Company
10:35 am Operator’s Outlook
Operators in the Permian Basin will share their insight on topics to include drilling plans, safety, training, challenges, and special projects.
- Mike Oestmann, CEO, Tall City
- Nick Goree, PMP, Vice President, Drilling, Earthstone Operating, LLC
- Scott Rovira, Vice President, Well Construction, Endeavor Energy Resources, LP
- Additional panelists to be named.
12:00 pm Luncheon & Networking
Moderator: Barrett Zuskind, Z-Tex Services
1:15 pm Perspectives from the Drilling Contractor
Drilling Contractors in the Permian Basin will share their insight on topics to include drilling plans, safety, training, challenges, and special projects.
- Kurt Bailey, Operations Manager, Patterson-UTI
- Josh Price, Area Manager – Southern Division, Nabors Drilling Technologies USA, Inc.
- Ryan Hessler, Operations Manager, Unit Drilling Company
2:15 pm Energy Expansion/Renewables: Dillon Blakley, Director, Rental Power and Services, Warren CAT
Exploring alternative energy sources in oilfiled applications, primarily targeted at drilling.
2:45 pm Coffee Service & Networking
Moderator: John Williams, Unit Drilling
3:00 pm Permian Strategic Partnership: Tracee Bentley, CEO, Permian Strategic Partnership
Permian Strategic Partnership works to strengthen and improve the quality of life for Permian Basin residents by partnering with federal, state, and local leaders to develop and implement strategic plans that foster superior schools, safer roads, quality healthcare, affordable housing and a trained workforce.
3:15 pm Texas & New Mexico Legislative & Regulatory Overview: Ben Shepperd, President, Permian Basin Petroleum Association
PBPA advocates for safe and responsible oil and gas development and provides education on safety, legislation, regulation, and support services for the industry.
3:30 pm Extended Laterals
In the Permian Basin, horizontal wells with 3 mile laterals are becoming routine. This discussion includes how to optimize drilling techniques and the unique challenges associated with extended reach laterals.
- Grant Muncrief, Drilling and Completions Manager, Coterra Energy
- Chris Jones, Field Services Manager, Helmerich & Payne IDC
4:30 pm Adjournment: Jacob Bruster, Chair, IADC Permian Basin Chapter; Marketing Representative, Unit Drilling Company
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