Register Now for the SPE OKC June 22 Luncheon -“How Intelligent Digital Solutions are applied for today’s Operations Surveillance and Optimization” – OKC
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This session demonstrates various use cases supported by case studies on how we leverage smart digital technologies combined with our domain expertise to address various production challenges, associated with deferred production, and increased operating expenditure. This session will take you through various examples of proven operations solutions in the areas of lift optimization, flow assurance and intervention management.
Ahmed Fadhl is a Senior Engineer, Production Engineering & Operations, with ~12 years professional experience in oil and gas exploration and production with a wide range of skills in digital software and solutions in both technical and sales support for production engineering and operations. Ahmed holds a master’s degree in petroleum engineering from Heriot Watt University. In SLB, he has been leading various projects in digital solutions, production optimization, technical consulting services and field development planning, working in various countries in the Middle East and North America region.

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