Allstream Executive Mid Year Meetup – July 19, 2024: Sips of Summer Woodford Reserve Bourbon Pairing – Downtown
We are Looking Forward to Our next Sponsor’s and VIP Executive night Scheduled for July 19, 2024 in Downtown Houston
CONTACT: EFRAIN GARCIA Efrain@AllstreamEP.com to get involved
Embark on an industry night as we enjoy four exquisite craft cocktails made with Woodford Reserve, complemented with our specially curated menu pairings. This gathering is designed to foster an engaging interactive atmosphere, allowing each guest to mingle and savor each decadent flavor. Seating is provided, but it will not be a sit down dinner.
Thai Julep
Woodford Reserve Double Oak, Thai Basil, Black Pepper, Exotic Fruit
Summer Sour
Woodford Reserve Rye, Papaya, Pineapple, Ginger, Lemon
Smoke Break
Lapsang Souchong-Infused Woodford Reserve Bourbon, Zucca, Cardamom, Orange
Bourbon Pound Cake
Woodford Reserve Wheat Whiskey, Marshmallow, Chocolate, Cherry
We Look forward to hosting our newest Marketing / Media Sponsors as our Guests. Links Below
About Allstream Energy Partners
Allstream Energy Partners is a full service Digital Marketing firm with expertise in Oil and Gas, Chemical, Refiing, Midstream, and New Renewable Energy Services. We offer Fractional Marketing, SEO, PPC Campaigns, Advertising, and Executive Meetups.

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